AE Interpretation Data, 2020
Data records from Fraxinus excelsior trees

of Plant Ecology
Ghent, Belgium

The use of acoustic emissions (AE) in
physiological research dates back to the year
1966, when it was discovered that petioles of
leaves under drought stress emit audible
vibrations. The vibrations were recorded by
audio sound transducers. The past couple of
years have resulted in rapid developments in
microelectronics leading to new advancements
in the AE technique applied to plants. High
performance acquisition systems are now
available that can record and store waveforms
from multiple channels at high sample
frequencies. — Adapted from “From hydraulics
to acoustics in drought-induced cavitation in
plants”by Niels Baerdemaeker, PhD thesis
supervised by Kathy Steppe

– University of Ghent, 2018